ANZAC SOLDIERS- Guided drawing + expressive emotion: Year 1-2 art lesson

Year 1-2 Art lesson for ANZAC day

The 25th April is ANZAC day, when we commemorate and remember the sacrifice of soldiers who fought in the First World War. This 2 minute youtube video explains ANZAC day for children to understand.

Learning Intention:

To draw an ANZAC soldier showing emotion.

Success Criteria:

I can follow a guided or instructed drawing the draw an ANZAC soldier’s slouch hat, head, shoulders and part of uniform, adding a face that expresses an emotion felt by a soldier in the War.


Read a story book to the children about ANZAC soldiers, suitable for young children, such as one of the following:

My Grandad Marches on ANZAC Day by Catriona Hoy & Benjamin Johnson,

ANZAC Ted by Belinda Landsberry,

ANZAC Biscuits by Phil Cummings & Owen Swan,

Simpson and his Donkey by Mark Greenwood.

There are many other beautifully written and illustrated picture story book that will help young children understand this important part of Australian history, whilst focussing on aspects of courage, friendship, honour and loyalty.

After sharing one of these ANZAC stories (youtube has many of these books read aloud) discuss with the children some of the feelings and emotions soldiers would have felt at different times. For example, lonely, missing their family or loved ones; frightened and scared that they may die or get wounded, sad, when a mate dies; etc.

Children follow a guided drawing following along step by step to draw the slouch hat, the shape of the face, neck, shoulders and shirt pockets etc. (see video below) They then think about which emotion they want to show on their soldier’s face. Children could use a mirror to “try on a face” to get the right expression or examples could be drawn on the white board.

I mixed up a khaki coloured paint to paint in the hat and uniform; the face is food dye (red, yellow & a tiny bit of blue) mixed to make a skin colour.

Another example is to use pastels. The following portraits were made to be a design for a commemorative stamp, done by Year 2’s

Guided drawing of an ANZAC soldier link: Draw an ANZAC soldier

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